Greetings People !!! This package is self extracted, but (!) if you have a different theme directory (not default c:\Program files\plus!\themes) then you need to extract it manually. (Winzip or something...) Scheme was created by Siropov Vadim on motives and with using a computer video game - "Mortal Kombat 4". All graphics and sound were borrowed from Original Version of game. Let me know what you think bout it (This is freeware: what a sh.., You know what to do with it?) ===================================================================== Siropov Vadim TSR e-mail: ===================================================================== Схема была создана Сироповым Вадимом по мотивам и с использованием компьютерной игры Mortal Kombat 4. При создании схемы использовались: Adobe Photoshop ver. 5.02, WinDat (Voyetra corp.), PaintBrush, Corel Photopaint ver. 8.0. Copyright by Siropov Vadim TSR. MegaDeath inc. All Rights Reserved. created: 2:10 23.08.99 edited: 21:01 02.01.00